Welcome to the Alva Public Library Catalog!
To download E-books visit this site OklahomaVirtualLibrary You will need your library card number (you may need to call the library for this number if you are unsure what it is) and your PIN number your entire phone number with no dashes(Ex 1234567)
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504 7th Street
Alva, OK 73717
Phone: 580-327-1833
Text: 580-382-5846
Monday - 9:00am-7:00pm
Tu-F - 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday - 9:00am-12:00pm
Electronic Resources
Sorry, access to electronic resources is suspended until issues are resolved. Please see My Account for details.
EBSCOhost Login Needed In-Library Use Only Need Magazine Articles? Check out EBSCOhost! |
Libby Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access the library’s digital collection of eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines through OverDrive or Libby. |
AR BookFinder Login Needed In-Library Use Only Searching for Accelerated Reader books is fun and easy with this free online tool. |
ePub Books Login Needed In-Library Use Only Choose from our hand picked collection of the best public domain books to be found in the English language over the last four hundred years. |
Brainfuse HelpNow Login Needed In-Library Use Only Brainfuse HelpNow is an all-in-one suite of tutoring services, tutors and students communicate in real time in our online classroom. Access the writing lab to improve writing skills, collaborate with others and more. |
Brainfuse JobNow Login Needed In-Library Use Only JobNow provides live interactive online help combined with online resources to guide you through the necessary tasks to get a job. |
Brainfuse VetNow Login Needed In-Library Use Only Brainfuse VetNow allows veterans to get assistance from a career navigator on resume writing and interview tips. There are also practice modules for vocational exams, basic job skills, and links to veterans assistance. |